Greater Control Over Your Environment
Virtual Private Servers (VPS) servers provide complete separation so that you have the control you need for your systems.
Instead of sharing the web hosting platform with others you can have a managed and optimized virtual instance of a server, just for you!
A VPS server has its own IP and you have root level access to run all your systems on your terms.
OpenVZ 150
150GbDisk Space
2CPU core
1GbSwap Sapce
2# IP's
100Mbps Port Speed
Webuzo + Softaculous
250Mbps DDos Protection
OpenVZ 200
200GbDisk Space
2CPU core
1.5GbSwap Sapce
2# IP's
100Mbps Port Speed
Webuzo + Softaculous
250Mbps DDos Protection
OpenVZ 250
250GbDisk Space
2CPU core
2GbSwap Sapce
2# IP's
100Mbps Port Speed
Webuzo + Softaculous
250Mbps DDos Protection
OpenVZ 300
300GbDisk Space
4CPU core
2GbSwap Sapce
2# IP's
100Mbps Port Speed
Webuzo + Softaculous
250Mbps DDos Protection
Our VPS Servers are Robust and Secure
Always running the latest Intel Hardware with SSD drives running Enterprise RAID, DDos Protection, 200Gbps Network.
Data centers are SSAE16 Compliant with redundant UPS/Generator backup, 247 onsite security, biometric access control, and video surveillance.
Practical Options
Choose location: Los Angelos CA, Dallas TX, Miami FL, Chicago IL, Amsterdam NL
Extra Dedicated IP’s: Add up to 2 extra IP’s (comes with 2)
Preinstall cPanel & Softaculous
Increase DDoS Protection limits to 500Mbps or 1GbMbps (comes with 250 Mbps / 250K PPS)
Choose other Operating Systems (comes with Webuzo + Softaculous)
Looking for other custom options? Contact us and tell us what you need